Out of Chicago

I’m sitting in my parents’ living room, eating potato chips, doing wrist curls with a 6 lb. weight, reading ‘Death by Black Hole’ by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and watching ‘Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House’ on their giant television. All at the same time. People say I don’t know how to multi-task. I spent my…

My Raw Vid of NATO Protest March

If you wanted to come down to the march but couldn’t make it, here’s what it looked like. Sorry it’s not more exciting. I have additional video of me running around among the protesters, including shots of the barricades and the massive police presence; I’ll upload it to my YouTube account but likely won’t post…

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

UPDATE: Apparently, I spoke too soon: Police and Protesters Clash Downtown. Here’s an article from a different source. Click through for pictures and vid.  So, I lied about hiding inside this weekend. One of the first things I did today was head downtown to see what all the fuss was about. I couldn’t help myself. My camera in…

Helicopters Hover Overhead

It begins. The NATO summit has brought roughly 5,000 leaders from all over the world to Chicago on the same weekend. It is 87.4 degrees Farenheit (that’s 30.7 degrees Celcius for the rest of the world) and sunny. My neighbor just tweeted this picture from the Mayor’s place four blocks away: The kids (edit: I…