October 1st: The Biggest Day So Far This October

Hello, Mr(s). National Security Agent! Are you filling out your Obamacare paperwork while you celebrate the first day of the NHL season?

Rubio's dumb face
So many timely references!

On a personal note: my credit card expired today! Take that, identity thieves! Now try to steal the money I don’t have.

One yet another personal note: This is the first day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, in which I am a participant. To complete the challenge, one must upload one (1) post per day in the month of October 2013. My goal is to complete the challenge this year, but there may be some things standing in my way. For one thing, the rules state that all posts must be PG. Sigh.

The last time I posted with any kind of frequency, I was studying abroad in Ireland, surrounded by unfamiliar history and awesome beer. At present, I live in the American Midwest, working part-time as a freelance writer. I supplement my income with housesitting gigs and knitting weird things that people buy for reasons I can’t understand. So, as you can imagine, my well of inspiration isn’t quite as deep this time around.

Maybe I’ll try cow-tipping for the first time this month. See what all the fuss is about. Write an exposé on the sinister underground culture of farm animal toppling.


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