The F#%k?: A Quiz Show

A few years ago, wildly talented local artist Jeff Tady asked me to join him in a live reading of a script he’d written. The venue was a comedy open mic. Like many of Jeff’s projects, the unapologetic absurdity delighted some and confounded others. Shortly afterward, he moved on to another writing project, but I kept going to the open mic every Thursday because I liked the regulars and the host – Andrew King (Rozz-Talk, The After Hour).

A gifted writer with a hero in Johnny Carson, Andrew has built a reputation as an emcee and live talk show host. In recent months, however, he’s opted to step away from performance and focus on writing. It is for this reason I feel compelled to post the following video.

Recently, Andrew decided to revive one of his live shows – which, predictably, was a hit. Given his waning interest in the stage, I thought it was a good idea to capture this event on film. Even if it was with a 20-year-old camera that is never, ever in focus.

If the video below gives you a headache, you can listen to an audio version on Andrew’s BandCamp page. He’s also made a home game available for rounds One and Two so you can play along.

Please enjoy The F#%k? and keep an eye out for more on-and-off-stage work from Andrew King.

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